lies Arjumand Bano Begum called Mumtaz Mah who died in 1040 AH or 1630 AD. Beside lies The sacred sepulchre of His Most Exalted Majesty, dweller of paradise, the second Lord of constellations, the king Shah Jahan 1076 AH (1666 AD)''.It was her last wish that her husband Shah Jahan, the Mughal Emperor, build a tomb in her memory, a tomb the world had not seen. The work started in 1632 and completed 17 years later. Twenty thousand men worked each day. Ustad Ahmad Lahauri was the designer. Materials were brought from all over India and from abroad, like Arabia, China, Lanka etc.People who visit the mausoleum are excited by its magnificence and call it a fairy tale in marble. The Taj is best seen on a full moon night.A controversy is still raging over higher entry fee for foreign visitors. And, appearance decides the nationality ! So also there is indecision on night viewing. Night entry was stopped several years ago for security reasons. Sources of information on closed day of the week too are unknown, undependable or dubious.

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