Quli Qutb Shahi


Qutab Shahi Tomb Hyderabad city, located in what is popularly known as Deccan Plateau has been ruled by many dynasties of Indian Central, in the past. The entire Deccan region was subjected to rise and fall of many great dynasties and rulers in medieval India. Hyderabad as we know it today emerged after the fall of Bahmani Kingdom in Deccan. It was time for Qutb Shahi's to rule with the break up of the dynasty in the year 1512 A.D. Quli Qutb Shahi who succeeded the same year established the famous Golconda Fort that marked the birth of Hyderabad city.Qutb Shahi's ruled Deccan for continuos 171 years. It was during this period trade and commerce flourished in the region. The extraction and production of diamonds, pearls, steel and fabric earned a great reputation for the place. The material development was further complemented with the growth of the city as a learning center. Indo-Persian and Islamic literature was given a fillip. Wealth started accumulating and the citizens enjoyed great many facilities. This golden age, however, came to an abrupt end with the conquest of the place at the hands of Mughal emperor, Aurangzeb. The year was 1687 and after a siege that lasted about eight months Aurangzeb was victorious in capturing Golconda Fort. The last king of the defeated kingdom, Abul Hassan Tana Shah died in captivity twelve years later.Hyderabad continued to be occupied by Mughals until the death of Aurangzeb. In 1707, Aurangzeb succumbed and the stronghold over Hyderabad weakened. The region at that point of time was administered by viceroys appointed by the Mughal. The year 1724 opened a new chapter in the history of Hyderabad. Mir Quamaruddin who bore the title of Nizam, declared independence and the city split from Mughal kingdom. This led to the establishment of Asif Jahi period. The seven Nizam's who followed ruled for a good 224 years.During Asif Jahi period literature recieved a special attention. Persian, Urdu, Telegu and Marathi developed in the region. Trade and commerce slowly caught pace and the region once again came to limelight. The city continued to be ruled by the dynasty till 1948 when India got its independence. Asaf Jahi rulers had good relations with the East India Company and after signing the accord in 1798, the city ensured its individuality and independence.

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